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  • Collective Behavior in Complex Networked Systems under Imperfect Communication(精)

  • 所属分类:電子電腦>>電腦技術>>電腦原理與基礎     作者:Jianquan Lu//Lulu Li//Daniel W.C.Ho//Jinde Cao     出版社:科學
  •     This book aims to explain how collective behavior is formed via local interactions under imperfect communication in complex networked systems.It also presents some new distributed protocols or algorithms for complex networked systems to comply with bandwidth limitation and tolerate communication delays. This book will be of particular interest to the readers due to the benefits;1) it studies the effect of time delay and quantization on the collective behavior by non-smooth analytical technique and algebraic graph theory;2) it introduces the event- based consensus method under delayed information transmission;In the meantime, it presents some novel approaches to handle the communication constraints in networked systems;3)it gives some synchronization and control strategies for complex networked systems with limited communication abilities. Furthermore, it provides a consensus recovery approach for multi-agent systems with node failure. Also, it presents interesting results about bipartite consensus and fixed-time/finite-time bipartite consensus of networks with cooperative and antagonistic interactions.
  • 人民幣:RMB 159.00 元     售价:NT$ 636.00
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  • 普林斯頓電腦公開課(原書第2版)

  • 所属分类:電子電腦>>電腦技術>>電腦原理與基礎     作者:(美)布賴恩·W.柯尼漢|責編:曲熠|譯者:戴開宇     出版社:機械工業
  •     從1999年開始,每年秋 季學期,普林斯頓大學都有 一門大受歡迎的電腦課程 。Kernighan教授正是這門 課程的主講教師,他從科學 家視角詮釋的計算常識,使 來自各個專業的學生都深深 受益。 基於課程講義, Kernighan教授撰寫了D is for Digital(2011)和本書 第1版(2017),而今,這 本書再度全面升級。書中沿 用簡潔易懂的風格來講解硬 件、軟體、通信和數據知識 ,並更新了大量時事案例來 討論隨著疫情的變化和在線 工作的增加而帶來的隱私和 安全問題。這使得本書不僅 成為每個人暢遊數字世界的 科普指南,更折射出作者的 人文關懷和思想鋒芒。
  • 人民幣:RMB 79.00 元     售价:NT$ 316.00
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