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  • 作者:編者:孫蒙祥|責編:鮑玲
  • 出版社:武漢大學
  • ISBN:9787307240438
  • 出版日期:2024/06/01
  • 裝幀:精裝
  • 頁數:582
人民幣:RMB 210 元      售價:


    孫蒙祥,武漢大學教授。1982年畢業於華中師範大學,1994年于武漢大學獲得博士學位。1996—2000年先後在荷蘭瓦吉寧根大學、義大利錫耶納大學、德國漢堡大學作為博士后或高級訪問學者參與研究工作。多年來圍繞「植物受精與早期胚胎髮生的分子機制」這一科學問題進行了持續而深入的研究,取得了原創性、系統性的重要成果。近年來,在植物生殖發育過程中的細胞命運決定、細胞一細胞相互作用,雜交后父母親本起源基因的作用等基礎理論研究方面取得若干重要突破。先後在Nature,Nature Plants,Nature Communications,Developmental CelL,Plos Biology,PNAS,Plant Cell等權威刊物發表學術論文130余篇,參編(譯)專著5部。獲得國家、省部級獎5項,並先後獲得「跨世紀人才」(2000),國家「傑出青年」(2002),全國「優秀科技工作者」(2010),湖北省「特級專家」(2022)等稱號。

第1章  單細胞操作與體外實驗技術創建
  1.從油菜(Brassica napus L.CV.Topas)裂外壁小孢子培育出胚狀體與小植株
  2.Cotyledon.derived Diploid and Haploid Protoplast Culture and Diploid Plant Regeneration in Brassica napus CV.Topas
  3.Single-Embryo RT-PCR Assay for the Studies of Gene Expression Dynamics During Embryogenesis in Arabidopsis Thaliana
  4.Embryo Sac Isolation inArabidopsis Thaliana:A Simple and Efficient Technique for Structure Analysis and Mutant Selection
  5.Regeneration of Fertile Plants from Isolated Tobacco Zygotes by/n Vitro Culture
  6.Single-Embryo RT-PCR:Application for Gene Expression Dynamics and Some Technical Aspects
  7.Probing Lectin Binding Sites on Isolated Viable Generative and Sperm Cells 0f Tobacco
  8.Single Microspore Reverse Transcription-polymerase Chain Reaction Dynamic Change of Gene Expression During Microsporogenesis
  9.An Improved Method for the Preservation and Location of Single Cell During Embedding Procedure for Transmission Electron Microscopy
  10.Improved and High Throughput Quantitative Meurements of Weak GFP Expression in Transgenic Plant Materials
  11.The Isolation of Early Nuclear Endosperm of Ovyza Sativa to Facilitate Gene Expression Analysis and Screening Imprinted Genes
  12.An Efficient Antipodal Cell Isolation Method for Transcriptome Analysis and Screening of Cell Type-speciflc Genes in Arabidopsis Thaliana
第2章  配子與配子體發育研究
  2.Mosaicism in the Organization of Con A Binding Sites on the Membrane Surface of Female Cells ofNicotiana Tabacum
  3.The Stereotyped Positioning of the Generative Cell Associated with Vacuole Dynamics Is Not Required for Male Gametogenesis in Rice Pollen
  4.Quantum Dot.Mediated Detection of 1一Aminobutyric-Acid-Binding Sites on the Surface of Living PoUen Protoplasm in Tobacco
  5.Exogenous GABA Affects Ponen Tube Growth via Modulating Putative Ca2+Permeable Membrane Channels and Is Coupled with Negative Regulation on Glutamate Decarboxylase
  6.NtGNLl is Involved in Embryonic Cell Division Paeming,Root Elongation and Pollen Tube Growth in Tobacco
  7.The Arabidopsis Exine Formation Defect(EFD)Gene is Required for Primexine Patterning and is Critical for Pollen Fertility
  8.NtProRPl,a Novel Proline.rich Protein,Is an Osmotic Stress Responsive Factor and Specifically Functions in Pollen Tube Growth and Early Embryogenesis in Nicotiana Tabacum
  9.OsFIE2 Plays an Essential Role in the Regulation of Rice Vegetative and Reproductive Development
  10.Mitochondrial GCDl Dysfunction Reveals Reciprocal Cell-to-cell Signaling During the Maturation ofArabidopsis Female Gametes
  11.Autophagy-mediated Compartmental Cytoplasmic Deletion Is Essential for Tobacco Pollen Germination and Male Fertih'ty
  12.H3K27 Methylation Regulates the Fate of Two Cell Lineages in Male Gametophytes
第3章  植物體外受精與受精機制研究
  5.In Vitro Double Fertilization in Nicotiana Tabacum(L.):Fusion Behavior and Gamete Interaction Traced by Video-enhanced Microscopy
  6.In Vitro Double Fertilization in Nicotiana Tabacum(L.):Polygamy Compared with Selected Single Pair Somatic Protoplast and Chloroplast Fusions
  7.In Vitro Double Fertilization in Nicotiana Tabacum(L.):the Role of Cell Volume in Cell Fusion
  8.In Vitro Fertilization in Maize and Tobacco:the Fusion Patterns Du
  12.Fertilized Egg Cells Secrete Endopeptidases to Avoid Polytubey
  13.In Vitro Fertilization of Angiosperms--10 Year Effort in China
第4章  父母親本基因在受精后發育中的作用
  1.Differential Gene Expression in Egg CeUs and Zygotes Suggests that the Transcriptome is Restructed Before the First Zygotic Division in Tobacco
  2.The Maternal-to-zygotic Transition Occurs Before the First Zygotic Division and de novo Transcripts are Ukely Required After Fertilization for Triggering Embryogenesis in Tobacco
  3.Expressed Sequence-tag Analysis of Tobacco Sperm CeHs Reveals a Unique Transcriptional Profile and the Specific Distribution Pattern of Selected Paternal Transcripts
  4.Two.step Maternal-to-zygotic Transition with Two-phase Parental Genome Contributions
  5.Equal Parental Contribution to the Transcriptome Is Not Equal Control of Embryogenesis
  6.The Parental Contributions to Early Plant Embryogenesis and the Concept of Maternal-to.zygotic Transition in Plants
第5章  早期胚胎髮生研究
  2.Establishment of a Simple and Efficient System for Somatic Embryo Induction via Ovule Culture in Arabidopsis Thaliana
  3.Tobacco Zygotic Embryogenesis in Vitro:the Original Cell Wall of the Zygote Is Essential for the Maintenance of Cell Polarity,the Apical-basal Axis and Typical Suspensor Formation
  4.Exine-dehisced Microspores:a Novel Model System for Studying Embryogenesis
  5.Polar Protein Transport Between Apical and Basal Cells During Tobacco Early Embryogenesis
  6.Exine Dehiscing Induces Rape Microspore Polarity.Wmch Results in Different Cell Fate and Fixes the Apical Basal Axis of Embryo Genesis,but Uncouples Asymmetric Cell Division
  7.A Bipartite Molecular Module Controls Cell Death Activation in the Basal Cell Lineage of Plant Embryos
  8.NtDRP Is Necessary for Accurate Zygotic Division Orientation and Differentiation of Basal Cell Lineage Toward Suspensor Formation
  9.Initiation of Programed Cell Death in Embryo Suspensor Is Maternal-predominantly Regulated in a Tobacco Hybrid
  10.Direct Evidence That Suspensor Cells Have Embryogenic Potential That Is Suppressed by the Embryo Proper During Normal Embryogenesis
  11.OGCD1 Is Essential for Rice Fertility and Required for Embryo Dorsal-ventral Pattern Formation and Endosperm Development
12.r11he Autonomous Cell Fate Specification of Basal Cell Lineage:the Initial Round of Cell Fate Specification Occurs at the Two-celled Proembryo Stage
  13.A VPE-like Protease NtTPE8 Exclusively Expresses in the Integumentary Tapetum and Involves in Seed Development
  14.Maternal Control of Suspensor Programmed Cell Death via Gibberellin Signaling
  15.AtMIFl Increases Seed Oil Content by Attenuating GL2 Inhibition
  16.Endosperm Development Is an Autonomously Programmed Process Independent of Embryogenesis

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