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  • 作者:編者:薛錦|責編:梁永春
  • 出版社:光明日報
  • ISBN:9787519474034
  • 出版日期:2024/03/01
  • 裝幀:精裝
  • 頁數:262
人民幣:RMB 95 元      售價:


    薛錦,博士,教授。曾工作于北京第二外國語學院英語學院,現工作于北京科技大學外國語學院英語語言文學系。研究領域為心理語言學、二語習得、雙語加工的認知神經機制。已出版專著3部,參編教材1部,在國內外核心期刊上發表論文30多篇(其中13篇CSSCI,4篇SSCI索引,4篇SCI索引),發表的期刊如:Brain Research,Cognitive Processing,Psychop hysiology,Journal of Psycholinguistic Research,Neuroscience Letters,Language Problems and Language Planning,Experimental Brain Research,《外語研究》,《外語界》,《北京師範大學學報》,《中國特殊教育》,《心理髮展與教育》等核心期刊。     主持或完成的科研項目如下:國家社科基金項目2項,教育部人文社科青年項目1項,北京市社會科學基金項匿1項,北京高等學校青年英才計劃項目1項,北京第二外國語學院「青年領軍人才」項目1項目,北京第二外國語學院的「學術領航」項目1項,2008 2014年北京第二外國語學院校級重點科研項目2項、校級教育教學改革項目2項。

Chapter 1  Overview: Scopes and Approaches
  Section 1  Key terms
  Section 2  Scopes of the study on language and psychology
    Ⅰ.Language and speech
    Ⅱ.Cognitive and psychological processes
    Ⅲ.Biological basis
  Section 3  Approaches to interdisciplinary studies of language and psychology
    Ⅰ.Traditional research methods
    Ⅱ.Modern techniques in psycholinguistic research
    Ⅲ.Research paradigm in experiments
  Section 4  Exercises
  Section 5  Activities
Chapter 2  Language Comprehension
  Section 1  Key terms
  Section 2  Processes in language comprehension
    Ⅰ.Children's path to language comprehension
    Ⅱ.Processes in reading comprehension
  Section 3  Sentence comprehension
    Ⅰ.Dealing with ambiguities
    Ⅱ.Sources of sentence processing difficulties
  Section 4  Factors influencing language comprehension
    Ⅰ.Cognitive skills
    Ⅱ.Structural priming
    Ⅲ.Linguistic cues
  Section 5  Neurocognitive mechanisms of language comprehension
    Ⅰ.The language comprehension network
    Ⅱ.Dorsal and ventral language pathways
    Ⅲ.Neural mechanisms for processing meaning
  Section 6  Exercises
  Section 7  Activities
Chapter 3  Language Processing
  Section 1  Key terms
  Section 2  Lexical processing
    Ⅰ.Models of speech perception
    Ⅱ.Bilingual lexical access
    Ⅲ.Speech learning in the second language
  Section 3  Speech and language production
    Ⅰ.Key issues and research methods
    Ⅱ.Models and findings in spoken words production
    Ⅲ.Sentence production
  Section 4  Neural mechanism in speech and language production
    Ⅰ.Neuro substrates for speech perception
    Ⅱ.Neural basis of speech production
    Ⅲ.Neural mechanisms for the hierarchical model of interpersonal verbal communication
  Section 5  Exercises
  Section 6  Activities
Chapter 4  Language Acquisition

  Section 1  Key terms
  Section 2  The first language (L1) acquisition
    Ⅰ.Stages of children's language development
    Ⅱ.ModeLs and hypothesis of language learning
    Ⅲ.Key issues in language acquisition
    Ⅳ.Plasticity in brain mechanisms in early language acquisition
  Section 3  The second/foreign language learning
    Ⅰ.Some differences between L1 and L2 learning
    Ⅱ.Psychological approaches to second/foreign language learning and processing
    Ⅲ.Key issues in L2 / foreign language learning
  Section 4  Development of language skills
  Section 5  Exercises
  Section 6  Activities
Chapter 5  Speech and Language Disorders
  Section 1  Key terms
  Section 2  Categories, causes, and therapy
    Ⅰ.Defining speech and language disorders
    Ⅱ.Causes of speech and language disorders
    Ⅲ.Speech-language therapy
  Section 3  Developmental language disorders (DLD)
    Ⅰ.Characteristics of speech and language problems in DLD
    Ⅱ.DLD screening criteria
    Ⅲ.DLD subtypes
    Ⅳ.Factors contributing to DLD
    Ⅴ.DLD intervention
  Section 4  Developmental dyslexia (DD)
    Ⅰ.Characteristics of speech and language problems in DD
    Ⅱ.DD screening criteria
    Ⅲ.Theoretical accounts for DD
    Ⅳ.Factors contributing to DD
    Ⅴ.DD intervention
  Section 5  Autism spectrum disorder (ASD)
    Ⅰ.Characteristics of speech and language problems in ASD
    Ⅱ.Language intervention of ASD
  Section 6  Exercises
  Section 7  Activities
Chapter 6  Language Use
  Section 1  Key terms
  Section 2  The psyche's functions of narrative writing
    Ⅰ.The relationship between narratives and memory
    Ⅱ.Measuring features of narratives
    Ⅲ.Therapeutic effects of expressive writing
  Section 3  Emotion words
    Ⅰ.Categories of emotion words
    Ⅱ.Psyche functions of emotion words
    Ⅲ.Strategies for regulating negative emotions
  Section 4  Exercises

  Section 5  Activities
Appendix A

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