幫助中心 | 我的帳號 | 關於我們


  • 作者:(印)朗坦·約瑟夫
  • 出版社:東南大學
  • ISBN:9787564177560
  • 出版日期:2018/08/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:431
人民幣:RMB 99 元      售價:

    Robot Operating system是在機器人研究以及業界設計、模擬和打造原型機器人方面最為廣泛使用的軟體框架之一。運用ROS知識實現機器人比人們想象中的要難得多,但是本書可以為創建你自己的機器人提供幫助。


Chapter 1: Getting Started with ROS Robotics Application Development
  Getting started with ROS
    ROS distributions
    Supported operating systems
    Robots and sensors supported by ROS
    Why ROS
  Fundamentals of ROS
    The filesystem level
    The computation graph level
    The ROS community level
    Communication in ROS
  ROS client libraries
  ROS tools
    Rviz (ROS Visualizer)
  Simulators of ROS
  Installing ROS kinetic on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS
    Getting started with the installation
    Configuring Ubuntu repositories
    Setting up source.list
    Setting up keys
    Installing ROS
    Initializing rosdep
    Setting the ROS environment
    Getting rosinstall
  Setting ROS on VirtualBox
  Setting the ROS workspace
  Opportunities for ROS in industries and research
Chapter 2: Face Detection and Tracking Using ROS, OpenCV and Dynamixel Servos
  Overview of the project
  Hardware and software prerequisites
    Installing dependent ROS packages
    Installing the usb_cam ROS package
    Creating a ROS workspace for dependencies
  Interfacing Dynamixel with ROS
    Installing the ROS dynamixel_motor packages
  Creating face tracker ROS packages
    The interface between ROS and OpenCV
  Working with the face-tracking ROS package
    Understanding the face tracker code
    Understanding CMakeLists.txt
    The track.yaml file
    The launch files
    Running the face tracker node
    The face_tracker_control package
    The start_dynamixel launch file

    he pan controller launch file
    The pan controller configuration file
    The servo parameters configuration file
    The face tracker controller node
    Creating CMakeLists.txt
    Testing the face tracker control package
    Bringing all the nodes together
    Fixing the bracket and setting up the circuit
    The final run
Chapter 3: Building a Siri-Like Chatbot in ROS
  Social robots
  Building social robots
  Getting started with AIML
    AIML tags
    The PyAIML interpreter
    Installing PyAIML on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS
    Playing with PyAIML
    Loading multiple AIML files
    Creating an AIML hot in ROS
    The AIML ROS package
    Installing the ROS soundplay package
Chapter 4: Controlling Embedded Boards Using ROS
Chapter 5: Teleoperate a Robot Using Hand Gestures
Chapter 6: Object Detection and Recognition
Chapter 7: Deep Learning Using ROS and TensorFlow
Chapter 8: ROS on MATLAB and Android
Chapter 9: Building an Autonomous Mobile Robot
Chapter 10: Creating a Self-Driving Car Using ROS
Chapter 11: Teleoperating a Robot Using a VR Headset and Leap Motion
Chapter 12: Controlling Your Robots over the Web

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