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  • 作者:(美)韋斯·麥金尼
  • 出版社:東南大學
  • ISBN:9787564175191
  • 出版日期:2018/02/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:522
人民幣:RMB 99 元      售價:

    獲得關於用Python語言操縱、處理、清洗和壓縮數據集的完整介紹。這本容易上手的指南第二版為Python 3.6而升級,其中包括一些實用的案例研究,展示了如何有效解決各種數據分析問題。你將從中學到最新版pandas、NumPy、IPython和Jupyter的處理方法。
    韋斯·麥金尼著的《Python數據分析(影印版第2版)(英文版)》由Python pandas項目的創立者Wes McKinney撰寫,是一本實用、現代的Python數據科學工具讀物。適合新入門Python的分析師和剛接觸數據科學及科學計算的Python程序員。數據文件和相關材料在Github上可以獲得。


1. Preliminaries
  1.1  What Is This Book About?
    What Kinds of Data?
  1.2  Why Python for Data Analysis?
    Python as Glue
    Solving the "Two-Language" Problem
    Why Not Python?
  1.3  Essential Python Libraries
    IPython and Jupyter
  1.4  Installation and Setup
    Apple (OS X, macOS)
    Installing or Updating Python Packages
    Python 2 and Python 3
    Integrated Development Environments (IDEs) and Text Editors
  1.5  Community and Conferences
  1.6  Navigating This Book
    Code Examples
    Data for Examples
    Import Conventions
2. Python Language Basics, IPython, and Jupyter Notebooks
  2.1  The Python Interpreter
  2.2  IPython Basics
    Running the IPython Shell
    Running the Jupyter Notebook
    Tab Completion
    The %run Command
    Executing Code from the Clipboard
    Terminal Keyboard Shortcuts
    About Magic Commands
    Matplotlib Integration
  2.3  Python Language Basics
    Language Semantics
    Scalar Types
    Control Flow
3. Built-in Data Structures, Functions, and Files
  3.1  Data Structures and Sequences
    Built-in Sequence Functions

    List, Set, and Dict Comprehensions
  3.2  Functions
    Namespaces, Scope, and Local Functions
    Returning Multiple Values
    Functions Are Objects
    Anonymous (Lambda) Functions
    Currying: Partial Argument Application
    Errors and Exception Handling
  3.3  Files and the Operating System
    Bytes and Unicode with Files
  3.4  Conclusion
4. NumPy Basics: Arrays and Vectorized Computation
   4.1  The NumPy ndarray: A Multidimensional Array Object
5. Getting Started with pandas.
6. Data Loading, Storage, and File Formats
7. Data Cleanincl and Preparation.
8. Data Wrangling: Join, Combine, and Reshape.
9. Plotting and Visualization.
10. Data Aggregation and Group Operations.
11. Time Series
12. Advanced pandas
13. Introduction to Modeling Libraries in Python
14. Data Analysis Examples
A. Advanced NumPy.
B. More on the IPython System

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